
Welcome one and all to my little nook of the internet! I am a writer with an avid and extensive library of books that I have read across a multitude of genres and the authors that have come before me (As well as the tales they have spun) turned me onto the path of writing my own tales. I have yet to get any published works; which is why this blog exists, to get myself out there for everyone to see. I have been working on my craft for years and finally beginning to see fruits of my labour coming to the fore. This blog will be filled with not only my thoughts or inspirations but also with tips and tricks I have encountered or learnt in my journey of overcoming obstacles in my work. If you have any questions or would like to point out where credit is due and not given, by all means get in contact through one of the many places you can do so scattered about this blog (I will credit article owners and references where I can, I am human and I can make mistakes).